Back again! Had some good news a couple of days' ago.....I've been featured on the Inspirational blog! My good friend Jose put my card forward so thanks very much Jose :) It's definitely worth having a look at the blog because there are some wonderful creations there.
Also wanted to share some of the Easter cards and gifts we've received.
This is the card I received from Jose and also two folders she made for the boys with some money in them......they were well impressed!

Next is a card I received from my SBS-13 Sister, Vanessa:

Then, we received a package yesterday from the States. This was from my good friend Denise and her family. Unfortunately I wasn't able to photograph all the contents because she included colouring books, crayons, stickers and toys which the boys grabbed from me straight away! I managed to photograph the cards we all received and the scrummy chocolate!

And last but definitely not least are the cards from Lewis. The first one is the one he did at school ..... I've taken a picture of the inside because he drew that himself. The second card is one he made from his own craft stuff at home.

Hope you enjoyed these....I certainly did! Will be back soon with some of my cards.