Do you like the hat?!!! Can you guess what the theme of the assembly was? The Great Fire of London of course!! Anyway, it was excellent and they all enjoyed themselves.
Now to the final PIF (breathes a BIG sigh of relief!!). The first three people to leave a comment on this post will receive a PIF from me but I would like to show you what I got from Laura.
I'm almost keeping on top of them.....was hoping to make the last three today but didn't feel up to it so hoping I'll improve tomorrow and have a go then. One thing which did make me smile today (apart from Sam in his hat!) was I received a You Make My Day award from Jo one of my SBS-13 sisters. Thank you Jo and you can take it right back because you always make my day with your cheerfulness and enthusiasm!
Off to get the boys ready for Tae Kwon-do now so will catch up later.
xx :0)
Fran xx
Back soon and hope youa re feeling Hope you feel better soon - where are those images from Laura from????