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I've Been Busy!!!

It's funny what happens to me when I lose my internet connection so I can't do any blogging.........I end up doing some crafting!!!! Well that's what happened yesterday afternoon and internet connection kept flicking on and off probably due to all the bad weather we experienced. Not quite so windy today but the rain is continuous!

I actually finished my Easter Egg bags yesterday whoo hoo!!! Well, I say finished, I've got three more to put together but I have coloured the label and everything but I need to go to Asda and buy some more creme eggs and I'm not going anywhere today because I'm due a parcel delivery....hopefully, my camera! I hope you're ready for these photos....I was just going to put one picture on but thought hey, I had to suffer making them, they should suffer looking at them!!! The photos aren't very good I'm afraid and I'm proud to say that not one chocolate egg was harmed during the making of these other words, I didn't eat a single one!!!!

Here's a few close ups so you can see the labels.

Now all I have to do is make something special for my two boys......I do have something in mind so will give it a go and if it turns out OK, will post it here. In the meantime, have now got to finish off sending out the PIFs!!


Dawn Wheeler said…
O M G jo how busy have you been ,they are so gorgeous xxx
i have not for got to put your photo on i have just been a bit poorly so will put it on soon ok ,
Ying Pang, said…
it's so cuteeeeee!!!
Tarasdesigns said…
oh wow, I wish I was one of your boys teachers!
~Denise Lynn~ said…
These are fabulous Jo! Look at them all, what a great job. I love the images on them, espeically the sheep. How did you make it look fluffy? That last one in the bunny suit is super cute too. I like how the image looks like it's popping off the frame. These are great!

Hope the weather improves today. We saw on the internet that it was terrible there, flooding, lightning hitting homes, no power, etc. Stay dry and keep crafting! :)
nessy said…
oh wow!!! they are gorgeous!! what a fantastic idea !! can i pinch it?? was wondering what the boys could take for their teachers for easter - lewis didn`t want to make his own cards!!(saw lovely kit in tesco`s)-i`ve been busy making easter cards, with my tildas!!
maybe we should have storms more often!!LOL
vanessa xx
Richelle said…
OOHHHH!! how cute are those bags! I love all the coloring you did on the stamps.

Richelle SBS 13
OMG these are sooooo adorable!! You are a busy girl!
Anonymous said…
Wow these are all stunning how lovely it would be to receive one of these - maybe I could become a teacher quickly :):)
Gia Harvey said…
Oh Jo, they are gorgeous!!
Sarah said…
WOW!! These are just amazing! Your boys are going to be so popular handing these out!! Well done on a fabulous job.
xx :0)
Suzanne said…
oh they are soo cute bet the children will love them!!! Please tell me you didn't manage to make all these without eating just one chocci!!
Anonymous said…
You have been busy, the bags are gorgeous!
Maria x
my ghosh jo these are all darling.
love the vellum bag so you can see the candy :-)
simplyfairies said…
Wow clever you, bet the recipents will be over the moon with those.....
Angie C said…
These are lovely Jo - what a great idea. Love all the images you have done on the bags too - must have taken a while to colour them all in
Vicki said…
oh! wow these are fabby. Bet the teachers will love them, I have just started with our teachers gifts, but nothing as good as yours. Could I please ask what you used to make the bags, they are so great. xx vicki xx
stampingcaz said…
great job jo!
Love your oingy boingy card too. I used to call mine that before I found the "proper" name for them ;)
Sharon said…
What a fab idea. They look really good, well done you must have had you crafting for hours!
Andrea, said…
Love your little bags, they are so cute and your card is fabulous.
Heather said…
WOW, you have definitely been busy. These are absolutely ADORABLE!!!!
CraftyC said…
Wow, they are fab, any spares, send my way(LOL)
Karen said…
These are great: Such a good idea and beautifully decorated.
Frances said…
you have been a busy bee! Are you sure you didn't eat any, otherwise why did you need to go buy more hmm?! Hope the lucky teachers appreciate all the work that went into these x
Leann said…
These are so cute Jo :)
Katharina Frei said…
What great projects Jo! You did a wonderful job Jo!
Anonymous said…
wo, very big work !!!! splendide !!!
Kari said…
So cute!!!!

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