I thought I'd just share some little things I made recently to send off my PIFs.

I got the idea for these folders from Katharina, she is such a talented lady and it's well worth a visit to her blog. The image on the front of the folders is Henrietta from Pink Petticoat and the tops of the bags are from Pinkiepops with 'enjoy' stamped on them.
Just wanted you to know that I am making things even though I haven't shown anything for a while!!
I just noticed the list of places you shop at down the side of your blog has grown somewhat considerably! LOL
happy mothersday jo :)
vanessa xx
very lucky ladys will get them, jo (fairymadjo)
Tara x
Thank you so much for my gorgeous candy, the stamped images are so cute and the little card youmade to keep them in is sooooo lush!!