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Cat in a Hammock!

As I mentioned before, I found alot of images I had already coloured so made this quick card from one. I suppose I'm trying to start one of my resolutions early - to have cards made in advance for birthdays! Anyway, it's one of my favourite stamps and is coloured with Brushables and mounted onto Pink Petticoat card with foam pads, after being layered onto Bazzill c.s. Sentiment was stamped directly onto card.

Haven't got much further with sorting out my craft stuff but had a great time this afternoon - blitzed Lewis's bedroom - crikey what a mess! and ended up with a full bin bag full of rubbish. The good thing about it was that he was out with a friend so I didn't have him leaning over my shoulder saying "please don't chuck that"! Tomorrow is Sam's turn - he's got a small bedroom so I've got to be ruthless, especially with all the new toys he got for Christmas. This is the one thing I enjoy about New Year - the spring cleaning. I hate housework normally, but seem to relish this time of year!!


Jackie said…
I've just spent the last 20 minutes browsing your blog. Your cards are absolutely gorgeous!
Happy new year!
Andrea, said…
Fab card, i love the soft colours you have used. Good luck with your tidying tomorrow. Happy New Year
simplyfairies said…
Whenever I see this image I giggle...
I just love the way you have coloured it, it's brill......
Anonymous said…
HAPPY NEW YEAR! ... lovely card, I love that image
** Isa ** said…
I so love this image!!! Love the colours too. very cute card.
Wishing you and your family a very Happy New Year...


Isa x

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