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Papertake Weekly Challenge

The challenge this week is

"Black Tie! This week's challenge is to make a black and white card! It can be for any theme/occasion but black and white only please!!"

I've got two entries this time. The first is using an Anita's rubber stamp and this has been mounted onto black Bazzill c.s. and a little glitter added to the falling snow. Two small pieces of AMM ribbon have been added and the image was then mounted with foam pads onto the main card. I've used Pink Petticoat papers together with black Bazzill c.s., Papermania brads and sticky jewels and some Dovecraft ribbon.

The second card I had already made a few weeks back and thought it fitted the bill literally! It's a template I got from Create and Craft a few years back - very simple to make, but ideal for a man's card.


Andrea, said…
2 fab cards, I love the shirt , a great man's card
Nikki said…
Both brilliant cards!
Anonymous said…
2 very striking cards
Dawn Wheeler said…
Wow great cards ,brilliant ideas ,Dawnx
Mrs Mayne said…
Great cards! Yep, that mans one sure fits the bill! Literally!! Thanks for taking part!! x
simplyfairies said…
Wow brilliant cards, lurve that too cute...
Hi there, just found your blog tonight and added it straight to my favourites, great cards and blog, I've got two boys too!! Jules
Anonymous said…
wow great cards love them both. :)
Two great cards..

caroline x

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